Eng. Garrett Moore (USA) | Member, Board of Directors

Eng. Garrett Moore (USA) | Member, Board of Directors

Garrett Moore, Member of Board of Directors, GLOFORD Uganda

Eng. Garrett Moore joined GLOFORD Uganda in 2014 with focus on organizational development. He is an international relations professional with nearly ten years experience leading research and advocacy for sustainable peace and development in the African Great Lakes Region.

Garrett has led campaigns with Invisible Children, Jewish World WatchRaise Hope for CongoSTANDMassEquality, and other US and international efforts for human rights and atrocity prevention worldwide. He has been published by STAND, the Enough Project, and PCDN on issues related to refugees, diplomacy, peacebuilding, and development. He previously Co-Founded the policy and advocacy organization Boston for Congo and sat on the Boston University Committee for Socially Responsible Investment.

Garrett studied biomedical engineering and international relations at Boston University. He completed extensive research in African affairs and global health, including prototyping technology for low-cost diagnosis of tuberculosis in developing countries.

Garrett brings this diverse policy, research, and campaigning experience to his current positions as Campaign Manager at #StandWithCongo, a global initiative in support of the Congo peace movement, and as a member of the Board of Directors at GLOFORD Uganda.